Demo effects using Rust and WebAssembly
I needed a reason to play with rust+wasm, and I have always loved the demoscene and its cleverness. I also wanted the result to be embeddable here on my blog made with Astro. Guess who’s about to fill buffers with fire, plasma, stars and roads. ..DOOM maps to SVG to laser cutter

ESP32: leaving love notes and entering demoscene territory

A visual graph editor to output ASCII art
At work, I used to write a lot of unit tests that would create a graph, then act on it. A bit of ASCII art can go a long way to quickly get the point of the graph ; I eventually got bored by drawing them by hand and wrote a visual tool to do it: https://unicode-graphs. netlify. app/ ..Fast expression evaluation with burst in Unity
I recently implemented the famous Marching Cubes algorithm (Wikipedia) using density function to describe the terrain (GPU Gems chapter about that). Having to recompile the code to tweak the density function was too slow, so I wrote a fast expression evaluator for Unity, available on GitHub. ..Implementing Conveyor Belts à la Satisfactory with DOTS in Unity
I was curious to see if I could implement belts like in Satisfactory or Factorio with DOTS in a performant manner. In the end, my implementation is highly parallel and works at 60fps for a million items, but let’s start with a deep dive into how both games do it. ..Delaunay Triangulation and Triangle Storage

Random 2D Points